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Urban e-mobility by subscription

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Urban e-mobility has been a growth market for years and is an important building block for the change in traffic patterns in cities. In recent years, companies, users and society have learned a lot about which offers are more suitable and which are not (e.g. free-floating e-scooters). For the success of the traffic turnaround, it is therefore important to further develop offers that bring together modern technology with the needs of users and the interests of society.

Dance GmbH offers a premium subscription service for e-bikes and e-scooters. Unlike conventional bikes, the unique e-bikes and e-scooters from DANCE ride "as if by themselves". DANCE Owners receive their e-bike or scooter delivered to their door for a monthly rental and enjoy an all-around concierge service including repairs, theft protection, etc.
Not only does this make the switch from cars much easier, but it also allows "conventional" cyclists to comfortably increase their radius.

Behind DANCE are experienced heads: The company was founded by Jimdo maker Christian Springhub and Soundcloud founders Alexander Ljung and Eric Quidenus.

It's no surprise that DANCE provides the .GUT community with mobility options. But even beyond that, DANCE offers, for example, a bicycle workshop for bikes of any manufacturer on open days - test ride of an e-bike from DANCE during maintenance or repair included, of course.

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