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Green energy for industry

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Many industries cannot operate fully electric and still rely on fossil energy: Chemicals, steel, heavy transport, aviation, district heating, etc. Green hydrogen, carbon-free heat and electricity are needed to decarbonize these industries. In addition, industry depends on a stable supply and cannot make its needs dependent on the variable feed-in of solar and wind energy.

HH2E is a new energy company and is changing the rules of the game for our energy. A green economy can create profits and new jobs, in addition to a livable world.

The HH2E plants convert variable solar and wind energy into stable green energy (hydrogen, heat and electricity) for industrial companies and municipalities. In doing so, the company is pursuing the goal of becoming the largest producer of green hydrogen in Germany and has already purchased or reserved 20 sites for HH2E plants. The team has also already begun planning for the largest green hydrogen power plant in Germany at the Lubmin site.

HH2E is backed by experienced founders: Alexander Voigt took Solon AG , the first solar company, public and was co-founder of Q-Cells and Lumenion. Andreas Schierenbeck, formerly CEO of Uniper, joined HH2E in 2022. Chief Financial Officer Mark Page brings years of experience as a strategy consultant.

At .GUT Am Flughafen 1 , HH2E is building the pilot plant of an HH2E plant called "Technikum". This will serve for demonstration and training purposes. In the next step, HH2E plans to build a plant on the site of the Urban Tech Republic. The BRLO brewery, also a member of the .GUT community, will be one of the consumers of the green heat.

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