
GICA Glocal Congress

The second edition of the Gica Glocal Congress will be hosted at .GUT Am Flughafen 1 at the former Tegel airport.

You will:

Connect with impact citizens from different countries

Improve your impact networking

Grab impact economy intel

We meet in 2 steps.

For all Berliners: we recommend joining both sessions.

Step 1: Build your international network!

GLOBAL | 13th March | online | 18-19h | 70 mins | Zoom

Global Impact citizens from different countries exchange ideas and contacts online. We connect to grow a global support network for impact.

Book your ticket for Step 1

Step 2: Bring your global connects to your region!

LOCAL | 14th March | offline | 9-10h | 60 mins | .GUT Am Flughafen 1

Next morning, we meet in our region to spread our new global contacts and intel. Now, there is Berlin. Soon, there will be other cities.

Book your ticket for Step 2

You may also want to read GICA'S interview together with Marc Bernath, founder of .GUT Am Flughafen.

Gica is berlin’s initiative to connect the global impact eco-system.Initiated by non-profit foundation AusserGewöhnlich Berlin + 17ACADEMY for impact networking.

If you have any questions, please get in touch:

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